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BMW 316i / 346L

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  • BMW 316i / 346L

    5 reasons why you should buy a shark apex uplight vacuum cleaner

    Shark is a popular name in the vacuum cleaner market. The brand is the perfect combination between quality and affordability. Besides the famous blue shark lift-away navigator 360, the company is coming up with more and more products that benefit various customer segments. Today, we would like to introduce a suitable vacuum model for the new generation who enjoy technology and love modern products: the Shark apex uplight vacuum cleaner. Here are 5 reasons why you should choose this vacuum cleaner.

    1. DuoClean technology

    The DuoClean technology is made of two different rollers. The front roller is a soft microfiber cloth material that removes all the dirt on bare floors. The back roller is a bristled brush roll that collects debris on carpets. That’s why the shark apex uplight duoclean can easily run on both bare floors and carpets and give you the best cleaning results.

    2. Zero-M technology

    If you have pets or simply have long hair that sheds a lot, read more Shark Apex uplight corded lift away review, you can see that it is the perfect vacuum cleaner for you. Unlike other vacuum cleaners that collect hair strands and get them tangled around the brush roll, the Zero-M technology ensures hair strands go straight to the dust bin. Thanks to this technology, the vacuum cleaner is less likely to have a burnout motor because of a stuck brush roll.

    3. Lift-away technology

    The lift-away technology is not a new technology when it comes to shark’s products. But even in a compact model like the shark apex uplight lift-away duoclean, they decided to make the vacuum even more flexible by adding the lift-away mode. As a result, you can use this vacuum cleaner as a full-size model for floor cleaning and use it as a handheld model for above-ground cleaning.

    4. Smart design

    The shark apex uplight corded lift away has four designs that steal our attention:
    • Low profile: this vacuum cleaner can easily slip under low furniture or get to tight spaces better than other models, thanks to the slim head.
    • Headlights: not all vacuum cleaners have headlights. But since the shark uplight is designed to access hard-to-reach areas, they install headlights to help users see better in dark corners.
    • Easy to empty dust cup: take advantage of gravity, they designed a dust cup that can be open on the bottom so the trash will fall out smoothly without taking a flip action from users. That detail is actually pretty clever since we all want to avoid contacting trash as much as we can.
    • Standing system: unlike other stick vacuum cleaners, the shark uplight vacuum has a special standing system that will stick out in an upright position. No more accidentally knock out when you leave the machine unguarded.

    5. Amazing efficiency

    As you can see in the technologies analyzed above, the shark apex duoclean vacuum can work with bare floors and carpets decently. This vacuum cleaner also does a fantastic job with pet hair and human hair. Thanks to the lift-away mode and a useful attachment set, you can clean almost everything in the house without spending money on other cleaning methods.

    With all these amazing features, we believe the Shark apex uplight lift-away duoclean is a vacuum cleaner that is worth buying. So give this shark vacuum a try and let us know how much you like it!
    Zuletzt geändert von henryevans; 02.02.2024, 03:34.

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