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EML M70 Drosselklappen Testen, Reinigen

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  • EML M70 Drosselklappen Testen, Reinigen

    Am M70 Motor sind die Drosselklappen von Bosch, am M73 sind sie von Siemens. Am M70 koennen nur die Bosch eingesetzt werden, da auch die Steuergeraete von Bosch sind.
    Laut ETK passen folgende 6 Drosselklappen alle für den E31 und E32, mit M70 Motor und wurden durch die letzte Teilenummer 13541736856 ersetzt:



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    Okay , Here are the rest of the pics. This is what I saw upon cracking it open. Look how dirty the communicator was. Here is the armature cleaned & greased up . Here is how I kept the brushs back so I could put the armature back into the body. The throat of the throttle was all gummy so I cleaned i

    Turns out I had a sticky DK motor on left bank. Here is a pic. Her is how it looks all cleaned up. The car runs like a raped ape now. Thanks guys. Rick 1/88 750il

    Synchronisation der Zylinderreihen beim M70 Motor
    Jedes elektronische Steuergeraet ist mit bestimmten Festwerten, die aber nur Mittelwerte darstellen, programmiert. Das Steuergeraet erhaelt aber, je nach Einsatzbereich im Automobil, variable Eingangsinformationen, die permanent den gespeicherten Festwerten gegenueber gestellt werden. Das adaptive selbstlernende System vergleicht erst, ermittelt fuer den jeweiligen Fahrzustand den erforderlichen korrekten Wert, und leitet ihn an die betroffenen Fahzeugbauteile wie Luftmengenmesser, Drosselklappenstutzen, DME-Steuergeraet usw. weiter. Wird zum Beispiel ein EML-Steuergeraet fuer einen laengeren Zeitraum (ueber 1 Stunde) stromlos, dann verliert sein selbstlernendes System die gespeicherten Werte. Bei Wiederinbetriebnahme eines geloeschten oder bei Einbau eines neuen Steuergeraetes muss sich das selbstlernende System erst wieder zwischen den programmierten Festwerten und den variablen Arbeitspunkten einpendeln.Das kann zu anfaenglich unrundem Leerlaufverhalten oder Stoerungen der Schiebephase fuehren. Deshalb ist, bevor Sie den Austausch des EML-Steuergeraetes vornehmen oder ein abgeklemmtes Steuergeraet wieder in Betrieb nehmen, folgende Vorgehensweise durchzufuehren:
    -den Motor auf Betriebstemperatur bringen
    -das neue Steuergeraet einsetzen und das Fahrzeug fahren
    -hierbei ist in der Getriebestufe 1 ein dreimaliger Schiebebetrieb aus Drehzahlen von ueber 5000 UPM bis in den Leerlaufbereich zu durchfahren ( circa 10 Sekunden)
    -Motor im Leerlauf in der Getriebestufe P oder N mindestens 5 Minuten laufen lassen

    Diese Massnahmen dienen zur sofortigen und exakten Synchronisation beider Zylinderbaenke in allen Betriebszustaenden.

    Daten/Info zu den DK
    Pin 3 und 5 sind die Motoransteuerungen der DK Motoren
    Pin 3 kommt von Pin 17/16
    Pin 5 kommt von Pin 35/34
    Pin 7 kriegt normal 5V von Pin 12/11
    Von dort aus wird über einen Widerstand der Schalter "DK-Winkel>17°" auf Pin 1 geschaltet.
    Pin 1 geht zu Pin 38/40

    Außerdem ist hier das eine Ende des DK Potis angeschlossen.Das andere Ende hängt auf Pin 8 und geht zu Pin 26/10 auf "Bauteilmasse (elektronische Masse)"
    Der Schleifer des DK Potis hängt über nen zusätzlichen Widerstand auf Pin 6. Das Stellungssignal geht zu Pin 27/28
    Alle Pins der DK gehen zum EML Steuergerät.
    Die Pins vor dem / stehen für die Zylinder 1-6 - die danach für die Zylinder 7-12. Zwischen 6 und 8 können durchaus verschiedene Werte sein, je nach Stellung der DK selbst -> Prüfen.
    Zwischen 7 und 8 sollten die Werte IMHO gleich sein und zwischen 7 und 1 sollte man das Schalten des Stellungsschalters prüfen können.

    DRIVEABILITY CLINIC - Electronic Throttle Control, by Lester Bravek

    The EML
    BMW's fly-by-wire, EML throttle control was introduced in 1988 with the 750iL BMW and its 12-cylinder M70 B50 engine. The same engine is found in 850 models, also with EML (electronic throttle control). Although simple in concept—open throttle to speed up engine, or close throttle to slow down engine_electronic throttle control is in reality quite complex. It is linked to various controls units which interact with the EML computer to control throttle angle. These control units are: DME, EML, ABS/ASC+T, and EGS. The instrument cluster is also connected to the EML because it supplies a vehicle-speed signal. Integration of these control units provides total vehicle control during driving. The EML system is involved in the following operations:
    • Automatic throttle synchronization of both engine cylinder banks, throughout the engine speed range,
    • Integration with ASC to control vehicle stability,
    • Idle-speed control via throttle-plate-opening angles,
    • Cruise control without extra linkages or ECU,
    • Throttle-opening curves to match the EGS-program selection switch, and
    • Emergency failsafe operation.
    The EML computer controls the throttle-actuator motor based upon engine temperature, climate control, road speed, engine speed, braking input, ABS/ASC+T torque request, transmission shiftpoint directional current flow through the throttle motor winding opens or closes the throttle valve. During opening operation, the throttle motor is always working against closing pressure from the return spring. The mechanical closing force of the return spring provides failsafe operation in the event of a failure in the EML control system. The EML unit also employs sensors for feedback to monitor pedal position, throttle angle, and brake pedal activation. The EGS unit provides a low volt age signal to the EML unit whenever the "Sport" program switch is selected. The EML unit then adjusts throttle-opening curves to match the transmission's sporty shift characteristics. EML also plays a part in overall vehicle stability, by controlling maximum engine speed and vehicle speed. EML limits the engine speed to 6000 RPM by controlling maximum throttle-opening angles. Vehicle speed is also limited by closing the throttle valve before the maximum allowable speed is reached. The DME unit provides the TD signal for engine-speed limiting, while the instrument cluster provides the vehicle-speed signal. Note: depending upon the model year, the vehicle speed input may be provided either by the instrument cluster or the EKM (electronic body module).
    BMW Glossary of Terms
    ABS /ASC- Antilock brake w/automatic stability control
    ASC - Automatic stability control
    ASC+T -Automatic stability plus traction control
    DK - Throttle motor
    DKE -Engine output torque (throttle increase)
    DKR -Drag torque (throttle decrease)
    DME - Digital Motor Electronics (fuel injection)
    EGS -Electronic transmission control
    EML - Electronic throttle control
    FGR - Cruise control
    LL - Idle contact signal
    PWG - Pedal position switch
    TD - Engine speed signal
    Ti -Injector ON time
    VL - Full load contact signal
    7er Tech Tips

  • #2
    Teil 2
    Using two current probes across each wire to the idle motor shows a 1 msec current pulse through the DK valve at 5 amps peak. The current probe is set to lOmV/per amp, and each pulse shows a maximum of 50mV. Two current pulses are visible because current flow in a series circuit is the same amount through all parts of the circuit. The "on time" of this 5 amp pulse determines the opening force of the throttle valve. A gear reduction unit allows precise movement of the throttle plate. The heart of the system is the throttle-motor actuator (DK), located on each bank of the V-12 engine. The motor uses bi-directional current flow to open and close the throttle, according to various inputs received by the EML computer. Synchronization of both DK valves is carried out by the EML computer at idle. Based upon injector opening time (ti), the DK valves are positioned to have no more than 1.7° difference in throttle angles. The idle motor and harness connector terminals are gold plated.
    To open the throttle, power is supplied to one side of the DK motor (Channel B), while a 1 msec pulse to ground reaches the other side of the DK motor (Channel A). This forward current pulse works against the spring pressure in the DK motor. To close the throttle valve, the direction of current flow is reversed. Channel B is then supplied with a pull to ground pulse, while Channel A becomes the supply voltage to the DK motor. The reverse current flow works with spring closing pressure.
    The pedal-position sensor (PWG) is located above the brake pedal, near the steering linkage, and is connected through a linkage to the accelerator pedal. There's no direct connection between the accelerator pedal and the throttle plates, so a pair of dual-return springs inside the PWG sensor mimic the "feel" of a mechanical throttle-actuator. The EML unit monitors the accelerator pedal position via an internal potentiometer, a 9° switch and a safety switch wired to the brake switch.I have tested the position of the 9° switch by plot ting it versus the PWG potentiometer. Most throttles travel approximately 90° from a closed to open position, so I used an "if, then" statement to test for accuracy. If a throttle travels 90° in 400 msec, then 9° of throttle movement takes 40 msec. By using the PWG potentiometer readings in the guide, I was able to show the range of pedal travel as related to throttle travel and their relationship to the 9° switch. Formula: 90°=400 msec as 9° = 40 msec.

    The PWG sensor is really three sensors in one. The PWG potentiometer and the 9° switch give constant feedback of accelerator pedal travel to the EML unit. The EML unit provides a low voltage signal to DME units whenever the PWG voltage is low and the 9° switch is inactive. As an additional safety feature, the idle contact circuit is wired through the brake pedal switch. This is to ensure a hard to the DME units for fuel cutoff actuation, thus limiting engine speed. The brake-activation switch contains two switches in one housing, and is located near the PWG sensor underneath the dash. The EML monitors a switch that activates the brake lights when the pedal is depressed. The other switch works in conjunction with the released PWG pedal switch to provide an additional brake-pedal depressed/idle-contact input to the EML/DME control units. The voltage on the brake light input switch goes "high" while the brake pedal depressed voltage goes "low."

    The waveform above is the injector "on time" (ti) from one bank of injectors controlled by the DME unit. The EML unit is wired to the injector output stage from one bank of each of the DME units. By looking at the actual ti "on time" from each DME unit, the EML can reposition the throttle plates individually to achieve a balance between both sides of the" V-12 engine. The V-12 is treated like two separate 6 cylinder engines, each having its own DME control unit.

    It's a natural connection for the EML unit to also be responsible for cruise control. The EML helps eliminate the separate linkage or control unit found on non-fly-by-wire systems. The cruise control switch (FGR) is a two-wire, five-position control switch. The switch contains various resistor values for each position selected on the switch. The FGR is supplied with 5 volts and the EML unit recognizes the voltage drop across the selected resistor as a separate input function.

    The 3-tenninal sensor in the foreground is a dual-NTC thermistor. Separate sections of the thermistor are connected to each DME unit. The third terminal is a return ground. The NTC sensor in the back ground is used by the EML unit to determine
    engine temperature. One of the criteria for achieving throttle-valve synchronization is a coolant temperature that is 80° C or greater. The other function of the coolant sensor is to provide increased throttle response with colder engine temperatures.

    Always pull fault codes from the EML or DME computer(s) before starting on any driveability complaint. The AST 5510 provides fault-code access to both DME units, as well as the EML unit. The EML provides throttle-position information to the DME units. A fault code in the DME units for idle- or full-load contact could be traced back to the EML unit. A defective DK potentiometer angle or inoperative DK switch would be the root cause for a idle or full-load fault in all three units.

    The EML performs a self check when the ignition switch is first turned ON. The EML warning light illuminates for two seconds as a bulb check. If certain hard faults are detected, the EML warning lamp will stay on with a fault code stored in memory. Substituted values are provided for engine temperature, engine speed, and vehicle speed. Vehicle speed from the instrument cluster is sent to the EML unit. This signal is used for cruise control, vehicle-speed limiting, and idle-speed regulation.

    The ECU compartment box (e-box) is located behind the right-front shock tower. The EML unit uses a 55-pin connector similar to those found on DME 1.1 through 1.3 systems. Also located inside the e-box are both DME units, EGS unit and ABS/ASC control unit. This 1991 850i used an 88-pin connector on each DME control unit. A break out box was used to check the various signals going in and out of the EML unit (a JGM Automotive Tooling breakout box is shown here).

    The EML unit sends and receives signals to and from various control units, as it controls engine speed as related to overall vehicle stability. No matter how strong the engine is, you won't be able to do any smoky burn-outs by flooring the accelerator pedal. The EML unit determines the proper throttle opening to keep engine torque within acceptable levels. The ABS/ASC systems also send requests for torque reduction to the EML unit during cornering and braking to maintain vehicle stability.

    The above signal (DKE) is from the ABS/ASC control unit to the EML unit on the same 1991 850L It is a pulse width modulated signal from the ABS/ASC, requesting the EML to increase throttle angle (DKE). This signal was taken with the key ON, engine OFF, and is a 100HZ fixed frequency signal with a variable duty cycle. The DKE and DKR sensors both send fixed frequency variable duty cycle control signals to the EML unit from the ABS/ASC control unit.
    7er Tech Tips


    • #3
      Der Anschlussstecker EML hat die Bezeichnung X6004.
      Pin 1 EML Pedalwertgeber
      Pin 2 EML Pedalwertgeber
      Pin 3 frei
      Pin 4 ABS/ASC/ASC+T Steuergerät
      Pin 5 DME Steuergerät 1
      Pin 6 EML Pedalwertgeber / DME Steuergerät 1
      Pin 7 EML Pedalwertgeber
      Pin 8 Instrumentenkombi
      Pin 9 EML Pedalwertgeber
      Pin 10 EML Stellmotor 2
      Pin 11 EML Stellmotor 2
      Pin 12 EML Stellmotor 1
      Pin 13 RXD Datenleitung
      Pin 14 Masse
      Pin 15 EML Leuchte Instrumentenkombi
      Pin 16 EML Stellmotor 2
      Pin 17 EML Stellmotor 1
      Pin 18 Hauptrelais 2
      Pin 19 Masse
      Pin 20 EGS Steuergerät
      Pin 21 frei
      Pin 22 Steuergerät ABS/ASC/ASC+T
      Pin 23 Steuergerät ABS/ASC/ASC+T
      Pin 24 frei
      Pin 25 frei
      Pin 26 EML Stellmotor 1
      Pin 27 EML Stellmotor 1
      Pin 28 EML Stellmotor 2
      Pin 29 frei
      Pin 30 Masse
      Pin 31 Kühlwassertemperaturfühler
      Pin 32 EML Pedalwertgeber/DME Steuergerät 2
      Pin 33 DME Steuergerät 2
      Pin 34 EML Stellmotor 2
      Pin 35 EML Stellmotor 1
      Pin 36 Hauptrelais 2
      Pin 37 Hauptrelais 2
      Pin 38 EML Stellmotor 1
      Pin 39 frei
      Pin 40 EML Stellmotor 2
      Pin 41 Klimaanlagenrelais
      Pin 42 Getriebewählschalter
      Pin 43 Schalter Geschwindigkeitsregelung
      Pin 44 Steuergerät Lock Sensor
      Pin 45 Kühlwassertemperaturfühler
      Pin 46 EML Pedalwertgeber
      Pin 47 DME Steuergerät 1
      Pin 48 frei
      Pin 49 DME Steuergerät 1
      Pin 50 DME Steuergerät 2
      Pin 51 frei
      Pin 52 EGS Steuergerät
      Pin 53 ABS/ASC/ASC+T Steuergerät
      Pin 54 frei
      Pin 55 TXD Datenleitung

      die EML Vorfacelift und Facelift M70 Motor sind kompatibel
      7er Tech Tips


      • #4
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