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Reparatur gebrochenes Tuerschlossblech E32/E34

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  • Reparatur gebrochenes Tuerschlossblech E32/E34

    Allgemein bekanntes Problem, typische Merkmale: Pin geht geht hoch, Schliesst oder Oeffnet wieder nach Schliessen oder Oeffnen, da der Mikroschalter im Tuerschloss kein korrektes Signal an das GM sendet in diesem Fall.

    Last week during my attempt to change door seals I discovered my left front door bracket was broken. Fixed it today.....spent 1 hour doing that...quite easy. If your lock or double lock becomes stiff you may suspect of a broken bracket because that's where the lock actuator is attached at. Gotta re
    7er Tech Tips

  • #2
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    I had to take mine apart to re-epoxy the aluminum channels to the bottom edge of the glass, that had fallen off. I didn't even know I had a broken actuator bracket so fixed it as well. Perhaps a bit over-kill. I used 3/16' steel for the repair and was able to sneak in with a 90 to drill the door p
    7er Tech Tips

