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  • Holz aufbereiten

    Informative Sache, nicht nur fuer die Fahrer der aelteren E23.
    A combination of the old and new. The left side is the original wood trim as it was on the car. You can see how the surface is yellowed, rough and cracked. The right side shows that the damage is only on the surface in the manufacturer's finish. After sanding, staining and spraying with polyurethan
    7er Tech Tips

  • #2
    hier noch mal der direkte Link
    A combination of the old and new. The left side is the original wood trim as it was on the car. You can see how the surface is yellowed, rough and cracked. The right side shows that the damage is only on the surface in the manufacturer's finish. After sanding, staining and spraying with polyurethan
    7er Tech Tips

