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  • Wechselintervalle

    bin neu und über die Suche hab ich nix pasendes gefunden.
    Weiß jemand die Wechselintervalle für Zündkerzen bei nem N53 Motor?
    Kann sonst jemand Tipps zur Fahrzeugpflege (Schmier/Reinigunsgmittel) etc. geben.

    Danke und Gruß

  • #2
    welches Baujahr? Hat der schon CBS?
    Conditioned Based Service

    Hab es leider nur in Englisch

    BMW - Condition Based Service (CBS) What is CBS? (copied info)

    Conditional Based Service (CBS) is an evolution of BMW’s standard service indicator system (SIA) previously fitted across the model range. It was first introduced in 2002 when the ‘new’ 7’ series model was launched and is now a standard feature on the following models:
    1’ Series E87 (2004 on)
    3’ Series E90/91 (2004 on)
    5’ Series E60/61 (2003 on)
    6’ Series E63/64 (2004 on)
    7’ Series E65/66 (2002 on)

    Conditioned Based Service CBS was first time introduced in the 7 series and is a further developed from the well known older Service-Interval indication of the older generation cars.

    Benefits of CBS
    The concept of CBS was to create a flexible yet economical maintenance schedule for serviceable items fitted to a vehicle. Unlike its predecessor (SIA) which used fixed time and distance service schedules (days and km’s) the innovative CBS system goes one step further. This intelligent system constantly gathers information from modules and sensors from around the vehicle which allows flexible intervals to be created preventing
    unnecessary replacement of components which still have substantial service life left. In essence there is an aim to lengthen service intervals and maximise the use of serviceable components.
    Components supported by CBS
    The type of CBS components supported on a particular model will vary depending on specification and engine type. Items fall into 2 main groups:
    1) Sensor based items
    These items are monitored by physical and virtual sensors with some reference being made to variables such as vehicle mileage, driving styles and temperature. Items included in this group are:
    Engine oil – Monitored by the DME/DDE engine control module
    Micro filter/Pollen filter – Monitored by the IHKA climate control module
    Front brake pads – Monitored by the DSC stability control module
    Rear brake pads – Monitored by the DSC stability control module
    Diesel Particulate filter - Monitored by the DME/DDE engine control module
    2) Internally calculated items
    Certain items monitored by the CBS system do not require physical sensors. These serviceable items still operate under fixed intervals with remaining service life calculated by the instrument cluster based on time and distance. Items included in this group are:
    Brake fluid
    Spark plugs
    User interface
    Instrument cluster
    The instrument cluster gives advanced notification of any pending service requirements via information displayed on the LCD. This is displayed in the form on a ‘SERVICE’ warning followed by information relevant to the component requiring maintenance. BMW aim to give approximately four weeks advanced notification of any maintenance requirements to prevent drivers accidently ‘running over’ service schedules.

    Further information can be accessed on the larger BMW models (5’ series, 6’ series and 7 Series) via the i-Drive system. By navigating through the i-Drive menu into the ‘Service Menu’ it is possible to check the current state and remaining serviceable life of all CBS monitored components. Each item will be highlighted in either Green, Yellow or Red and display a percentage value indicating remaining serviceable life.
    o Green item – No service required at present
    o Yellow item – Service life nearing its end
    o Red item – Service deadline has been passed
    Resetting CBS service indicators
    Inevitably this extra complexity demands more advanced reset procedures. The first noticeable requirement is the need to set the on-board time and date prior to making any resets. This is taken as the reference point for any ‘time dependant’ CBS items such as ‘Brake fluid’
    Resetting manually
    It is possible to carry out the reset of CBS items manually by following specific procedures relevant to supported vehicles. These procedures will NOT work if:
    o The remaining percentage is greater than 80%
    o The time and date have not been set
    Resetting using diagnostic equipment
    By using suitable diagnostic equipment connected to the vehicle diagnostic connector it is possible to reset CBS service schedules at any time. By selecting the ‘CBS’ option the diagnostic equipment will gather information regarding the current state of CBS items from their relevant modules on the CAN network.

    Mehr hier

    Hier etwas in Deutsch

    Den Kopf für das Wesentliche frei haben.

    Condition Based Service (CBS).

    Ihr Fahrzeug weiß selbst, ob und wann eine Wartung ansteht. Feste Service-Intervalle gehören der Vergangenheit an.
    Das intelligente Wartungssystem CBS analysiert den tatsächlichen Service-Bedarf im Fahrzeug: Es misst den Zustand der wichtigsten Verschleißteile und Betriebsflüssigkeiten (z.B. Motoröl und Bremsbeläge) individuell und überwacht die zeit- bzw. strecken-abhängigen Service-Umfänge (z.B. HU/ AU).
    Das Info Display im Cockpit informiert anhand der Messdaten automatisch vier Wochen im Voraus darüber, welcher Service-Stopp eingelegt werden muss. Das iDrive Control Display zeigt Ihnen jederzeit genau an, wann der nächste Service für welche Fahrzeugkomponente fällig ist. So lassen sich die Service-Termine für Ihren BMW rechtzeitig planen und unnötige Arbeiten vermeiden.
    In Verbindung mit BMW TeleServices werden die von CBS gewonnenen Informationen automatisch an den BMW Partner übermittelt, der Sie dann zur Terminvereinbarung kontaktiert.
    7er Tech Tips


    • #3

      vielen Dank für die Informationen, denke mal wenn das Auto nach neuen Kerzen "verlangt" sind sie also erst fällig. Ist übrigends ein E61 Bj. 2007 mit N53 Maschine.
      Nochmals danke und Gruß

