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  • Ich Spreche kein Deutsch. Bitte helfen

    Ich habe gerade aus den USA. Mein Auto nicht nur der TÜV. Wenn jemand kann mir eine gute empfehlen Workshop in Berlin, wäre ich sehr glücklich. Ich habe den "Google übersetzen" Seite für diese translastion.

  • #2
    hello an welcome

    the problems by the car are:

    braking effect from the front axle are different

    the rubber from the whishbone is porous

    brake fluid is to old

    Fogligts right and left loose

    bolts from the wheels are false and damaged

    the front bumper are loose and damagd

    wheels sliding on wheelhouses

    wheelhouses are dammagd

    the break pipeline is different from the orginal you need a certificate for this

    you need a certificate for the complete suspension

    live you at the moment in germany and will you drive this car here or in the USA ?
    what you mean with workshop ?

    the google translator is not so good, write please in englisch
    Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam.

    Veritas odium parit


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply!
      I apologize that I cannot speak any German.

      The car is for driving in Berlin, Germany. I need to get those items fixed as soon as possible.

      I am asking the members of this forum if they know of a good auto-shop that can fix all the problems without being too expensive.

      Thank you!


      • #4
        the car has very many problems

        to repair all the problems ist very expensive and overun the marktprice for the car.
        I don´t know your know-how from cars. the cheapest way is would be make ist self.
        i´m not from berlin so i don´t know any autoshops in berlin.
        please wait a few days by more users has read this.
        Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam.

        Veritas odium parit


        • #5
          what would be your best guess as to how much it would cost to fix it?
          hopefully below 1000eur?


          • #6
            i belivemore wenn you repair all thinks in a car shop
            Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam.

            Veritas odium parit


            • #7
              A. S. U. quoted me 1400eur...
              :shock: :shock: :shock:


              • #8
                hmm wieso stimmt das amtliche kennzeichen nicht mit dem kennzeichen auf dem foto überein? :shock:

                why doesn`t fit the curatorial license number with the license number on the picture? :shock:


                • #9
                  zusatzaufwand insgesamt 30 min ----46euro??

                  für was??
                  hab schonmal ne 21iger gehabt damals am polo auch mit einigen extras dran die ebenfalls gepr. wurden und mängel hatte er auch....

                  musste aber keine 46 euro extra zahlen??

