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Part-time Position: Correspondence manager vacancies in DE

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  • Part-time Position: Correspondence manager vacancies in DE

    J&Z Trading HV Company is looking for new candidates for the shipping
    manager position.
    We are the world's largest global transportation company, operating in more than 18 countries and territories and employing 200 people worldwide. Many Internet auctions and stores in Germany do not ship the products overseas. As the result thousands of customers in Russia, Asia, US are not
    able to access the large market and purchase high-quality merchandise at so good prices. Our service is in the ever-growing demand. Today we have more than 80 merchandise managers on the territory of Germany and Austria but quantity of our customers increases and we plan to expand.

    As a part-time employee, you'll have access to the following benefits:

    - 2,100 EUR per month
    - You need 8-10 hours free during the week, not more
    - Free UPS shipping
    - Comprehensive medical and life insurance for you and your dependents
    - Weekly paychecks
    - Direct deposit
    - Set work schedule
    - And more others benefits

    For more details about this proposition & send information about you to my

    With best regards, Oleg Shishkin,
    Project manager, J&Z Trading HV!