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Strange knocknock in my N53B30

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  • Strange knocknock in my N53B30

    Hello everybody,

    can you please check my engine sound? If you listen carefully you can hear some kind of dull knocking apart from the "normal" diesel-ish sound.

    This is my N53B30 204hp, year 2010. Sometimes when coming to idle 600 rpm there is some kind of dull knocking sound. The knocking gets faster with revs, but gone when revs get to 900rpm.

    Oil is quite new, BMW LongLife-4, level is okay, tempreature is normal operating hot temperature. The car runs fine.

    Any idea? Is this normal? Is my conrod about to come out?

    This is my N53B30 204hp, year 2010. Sometimes when coming to idle 600 rpm there is some kind of dull knocking sound. The knocking gets faster with revs, but ...